Good Day Friends, Your son(s)/daughter(s) would like to come to our house, to play with our kids. We require written permission from you first. The reason for that is that in spite of influences, which say the human body is indecent or shameful, we are working hard, to instill in our children that everyone's body is good. As such, clothing is optional in our house and most often it is simply not worn, that is except for the pool and spa where absolutely no clothing is allowed at all. Swimming in clothing simply makes no since to us at all. Being nude is overwhelmingly the most natural way to be in the water. We don't just feel that swimsuits are totally dysfunctional and useless; we believe they are in fact harmful. The only purpose we see in swimsuits is to reinforce the idea that there is something wrong or shameful about the parts of the body they cover, a concept that we find morally offensive. Since some parents may find this objectionable or offensive, children must have their parents or legal guardians written consent before coming to our house. This consent is verified with personal conversation between each child's parent(s) and myself, along with having this signed form. In addition, a conversation between you and your child(ren) to make sure they know our guidelines and that this is an “OK” thing with you as their parent(s) is also required. We feel strongly that children need to feel comfortable in talking to their parents about body issues. When children are comfortable talking to parents about body issues they are far more likely to tell them of any sexual abuse, than if talking about nudity and other body issues upsets their parents. A conversation between you and your child(ren) to make sure they know that nudity at our house is an “OK” thing with you, may help to open up that communication. An adult or adults will be present at all times to insure the guidelines and swimming pool safety concerns are followed. Unless your child/ren want to swim or get in the spa, their nudity is completely optional, it is only in the pool and spa where it is required. At no time does anything sexual or erotic ever have any place in our house around children. You are always welcome to drop in unannounced at anytime, while your child(ren) is with us, to see what is going on, or even join us for a swim. The guidelines below would apply to you as well in such case. Guidelines
By signing below you indicate acceptance of our household policy regarding nudity and that you are the legal guardian of this child and that if you share guardianship with another individual, you have their permission as well. By child signing below indicates they agree to and will follow the above guidelines.
Swimming, playing, and living nude is a great feeling of freedom and the best way to learn that every part of the human body is good, besides it's fun! However, please be aware that once your child(ren) has experienced it, they may object to putting on a confining and sometimes wet, itchy, clammy, cold, and uncomfortable swimming suit again! If so you may decide that you want to join them in the new freedom they found, if you don't have a pool or spa, (or even if you do) you are welcome to call and join us for a swim sometime. Sincerely, |
Copyright © 2005