RejectShame - Dave's Page - Funny - Blood Lore - House's of the Future Past - |
.. | Some of my favorite links |
Joyce Meyer Ministries - Straight forward and real. I've learned a lot through Joyce Meyer that if I or anyone is going to grow and mature in Christ that it requires the discipline of pressing through pain, rejection, hardship, and growth. There is the pain of staying the same and there is the pain of growing, rewards only come come from growing, not staying the same. Father's Love Letter - Experience the love you have been looking for all your life. This link could change your life, in scripture 1st John 4:19 says "We love because he first loved us." I believe that if all Christians deeply experienced and personalized the message in Father's Love Letter it would transform the would by love. Eternity Now Ministries - Free downloadable Bible studies from EternityNow Ministries. Proclaiming the hope of the gospel through publishing, teaching and small group ministries. Learn about the wisdom of God's grace and never feel unworthy in His presence again! The Shovel - Are you trapped by religion, motivated by guilt, immobilized by fear or shame? Do you think this is God's plan for your life? No way! Join the Shovel and break free from the prison that enslaves you. Dig with me and uncover the joy of life and freedom that has been buried under a mound of religious dirt. Discover the true grace of God that most preachers are afraid of and have probably already warned you against. Check out the real Jesus Christ – not the religious icon – and you just might discover the real you. Grace Walk - This site boldly proclaims that " it really was for freedom that Christ set us free..." It shares the sufficiency of Jesus Christ, not only for salvation, but for daily living and helps people break free from the bondage of legalism. 12 Steps for the Recovering Pharisee (like me) - Introduction to an excellent book by John Fischer that us recognizeand lay aside the Pharisee in all of us, so that we can embrace the grace, gratitude, and joy of the spirit-filled life. Also read Cultural Lies the Church Believes and Scandal of the Dancing Christ a very good article about the incarnation of Jesus. Believer's Rest - A wonderful Yahoo community of Christian believers who place all of their hope for justification in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Tony Campolo and EAPE - Building the Kingdom of God by combining evangelism and social justice in the name of Jesus. |
RejectShame - This is my current site about body shame and
acceptance for nudity. Body shame is the most elemental shame of all, when
we can break free from this basic shame, it is often easier to break free
from other areas of shame in our lives. This site is at the core of my
life's calling and passion, I have seen and experienced the harm body shame
can cause, and am calling people to a Godly freedom and to body acceptance. In Support for Naturism - 205 Arguments and Observations extensively documented with quotes, references, supporting research, and resources for further study. Covers practical aspects, mental aspects, health, the nature of modesty, health, family, Christianity, and much more. Originally published in N magazine, this excellent article is presented online by The Naturist Society (TNS). |
Faith is expressed in action, uplifting the oppressed, helping those in need, accepting the outcast, working for social justice, and more. |
Habitat for Humanity International - a nonprofit, nondenominational Christian organization bringing families and communities in need together with volunteers and resources to build decent, affordable housing. Worldwatch - The Worldwatch Institute is an independent research organization that works for an environmentally sustainable and socially just society, in which the needs of all people are met without threatening the health of the natural environment or the well-being of future generations. The Carter Center - The Carter Center is guided by a fundamental commitment to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering; it seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health. Amnesty International - a worldwide campaigning movement that works to promote internationally recognized human rights Bread for the World - a Christian citizens movement seeking justice for the world's hungry people by lobbying our nation's decision makers. |
Just a few of my favorite web related web sites! |
Webshots - Very cool site, browse thousands of photos, download the world's most popular photo wallpaper/screensaver program for free and make your or other photos into screensavers and desktops. - I used MyYahoo for years as my browser start page, not any more! MyWay is fully customizable with great content to choose from like news, sports, local weather, TV, theaters, plus quotes of the day and other cool features yahoo and other similar sites don't have. Oh, and there's one important thing MyWay doesn't have that other sites like it do, MyWay has NO banner or pop-up ads! Check it out!
Google - Simply the best search engine around with some interesting
new developments like
Froogle, a product search engine.
Google Catalogs, |
Americans consume more of the world's resources than any other society on the planet. In the 1960's the average size Americam home was around 1600 Sq. Ft. Now with smaller families the average new home is well over twice that size! Does this really make our lives better? NO! In fact it often causes us to place value in the wrong things. Simplify your life and see how much more fulfilling it can be! |
The Center for a New American Dream - Helping individuals and institutions change the way they consume to protect the environment and enhance quality of life for all. Cohousing - A great solution for the alienation of modern subdivisions where most homes are too big and most no-one knows their neighbors. This is a solution that I feel makes sense for families, society, the economy, the environment and more. The Simple Living Network - Providing tools and examples for those who are serious about learning to live a more conscious, simple, healthy and restorative lifestyle. Alternatives for Simple Living - Equips people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly. Includes an excellent article on What is Simple Living Mothering - Although not a parent myself I am very concerned with how children should be raised and I think this site is great, it promotes simple, natural living for families and largely exemplifies the way I desire to raise a family if I do have one. The Continuum Concept - A web site and book with an entirely different view of how children should be raised -- very profound and interesting. Materialism: Blowing the whistle - A Christian perspective on materialism - A Guide to Healthy Sustainable Living |
The way many humans and corporations have treated the Earth is inexcusable, God called us to be good stewards and care for His creation, instead we have often abused it. It's time for a change. |
Florida House Institute - A a non-profit organization located in Sarasota, Florida that works to facilitate change for a sustainable future. A focal point of this organization is a demonstration house that showcases environmentally friendly materials, landscaping, and sustainable design in Florida. We are partnering with Florida House and Eco-$mart on Natura in order to build a project of 400+ homes in a more sustainable and earth friendly way. Naturism isn't just about nudity it's also about self-respect and thus respect for nature, so I am very excited about this partnership. Environmental Construction Technologies Inc. - Preserving the environment through recycling and producing safe, economical alternatives in home, commercial and road construction. Such as Enviro-Brick a nearly 100% recycled building product which can recycle one hundred tons of fly ash and sawdust waste on an average size home. It replaces stick and frame construction with a product of superior strength and durability that is fire, water, insect, sound and mold resistant. It can be hurricane and earthquake certified, and has R values up to R-20 or more. Earth Share - A federation of America's leading non-profit environmental and conservation organizations, works to promote environmental education and charitable giving through workplace giving campaigns. Earth Day - Promoting a healthy environment and a peaceful, just, sustainable world by spreading environmental awareness through educational materials and publications. Earth Communications Office - Using the power of communication to improve the global environment. A great source for Environmental facts and tips. Environmental News Network - Working to educate the world about issues facing our Earth with current news and features. ENN began as a monthly print publication, and later discovered the Internet as an effective means of reaching a broader, more diverse audience with the most current information. 20/20 Vision - Making grassroots activism simple for busy people. We give citizens the information they need to get involved in a wide range of progressive issues, like conserving the environment, shifting military spending to domestic needs, stopping handgun violence and getting money out of our campaign process. Our once-a-month alerts tell you how to contact politicians and corporate officials and quickly and easily tell them your views on an urgent issue. |
For as long as I can remember I have loved the sleek, clean lines of
mid-century modern architecture. I am fortunate to live in an area with
lots of it and I will be doing a web site on what's in the area. Here are
some of my favorite Mid-century links.
Eichler Design
- Joseph Eichler was the only home builder in America who built
modernist style homes on a large scale, designed by skilled architects and
using quality materials. His contemporary houses have not been equaled
since, and 50 years on they still look 'modern'. |
Although not an architect, I've been fascinated by architecture for as long as I can remember and am definitely influenced by it in the design work that I do. |
green-haus - a free on-line research tool to assist architects, builders, and homeowners with information on "green" home design. "green" homes are energy-efficient, earth-friendly, sustainable, and low-toxic. Natural Home - offers today's health-conscious, environmentally concerned homeowners the information they need to practice earth-inspired living. Healthy Home Designs - specializing in quality architectural plans, resources and construction specifications for healthy and ecological homes. The Rural Studio - The Rural Studio School of Architecture of Auburn University has built some incredible architecture at very low cost, often from recycled materials for some very poor communities and families. I far prefer what they've built to the thoughtless, mass produced, junk called spec homes that fill most of Americas suburbs! Prospect - Here's a new town in Colorado where the developer is building something better than your run of the mill, bland, developer tract homes (although there are some of those too), if only there where more builders like this! The Not So Big House - The inspiration for The Not So Big House was a growing awareness that new houses were getting bigger and bigger but with little redeeming design merit. The problem is that comfort has almost nothing to do with how big a space is. It is attained, rather, by tailoring our houses to fit the way we really live, and to the scale and proportions of our human form. Great Buildings Online - A gateway to architecture around the world and across history documents a thousand buildings and hundreds of leading architects, with 3D models, photographic images and architectural drawings, commentaries, bibliographies, web links, and more, for famous designers and structures of all kinds. Architecture Week - A great new online magazine that includes an environmental section. 101 - Profiles new, up and coming architects. Architectural Record - My favorite architectural magazine online. |
Now this may seem inconsistent with simple living and other values I have, but no one is perfect and I've loved Disneyland from childhood. Disney parks are so well designed that I continue to admire them. Besides they're just plain a lot of fun! |
Laughing - My favorite Disney site with lot's of articles and frequent updates on the parks, focusing on the best one... Disneyland. Hidden Mickey's - Hidden Mickey's started out as inside jokes among the Walt Disney Imaginers. A Hidden Mickey is an image of Mickey Mouse concealed in the design of a Disney attraction (ride, resort, etc...). Thanks to these fiendish Imaginers you can have a little extra fun next time your at a Disney park, trying to find them! This site will help you and let you report ones you've found that no one else has! Vacations - Disney's official site for their parks and resorts. Disneyland Paris Guide Book - Disneyland will always have first place in my hart, but from everything I've seen and heard Disneyland Paris is exceptionally well designed. Here's a great online guide to the park. - Great unofficial guide to Walt Disney World. Unofficial Walt Disney Imagineering Page - A tribute to the geniuses behind the parks. |
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