Naturism - The Naked Truth
This is my site on the naked truth about naturism.


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Bible Home

There are many Bible Verses you will find throughout and some with responses for Pro-Nudity (Nudity which is biblically good) and anti-clothed (where being clothed is wrong). There are also further examples of passages which include references of public or semi-public nudity that are either not condemned by God, or are facilitated and commanded by him.

In the menu on the left, there are links to a list of verses and are separated by Old and New testaments with the Bible text, which is linked to The Bible Gateway also. There are several verse challenges too.

NOTE: One thing to keep in mind... The word naked as translated in English has different meanings from the original written text. The original language uses different words throughout the Bible. For instance, the naked translated from Genesis 2:25 is different from naked translated in Exodus and Leviticus. One is without hiding or shame of God's creation and the other directly involves having sex. No where in the Bible does God command or state that nakedness is wrong, moreover, He does state that hiding ourselves from Him or being shameful is wrong. He does command us to remain sexually pure and not to have sexual relations with anyone, unless they are our spouse. With research and further reading, you will find this difference.

Go to the Reference page for all the details and links.

Also see What the New Testament says about clothing?" & "Christianity supports Naturism" from 205 Arguments and Observations In Support of Naturism in Articles & Writings.


Bible Gateway's - Verse Of The Day:

Interested in reading the Bible in a year? Here you can read the English Standard Version chronologically:

There are also several other devotions and daily reading plans available as well, if chronologically or reading the whole Bible is not your interest.

The English Standard Version is a re-translation from the original Hebrew and Greek scrolls and is respected as the most accurate translation available today.

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e-Sword - The Sword of the LORD, with an electronic edge

Compiled from many sources, some noted on Links page or linked to within this site.
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