The purpose of this site is to help free people from the
bondage of body shame, to confront the stronghold of body
shame and break it's power, as well as to help people develop
more Godly, wholesome, and healthier attitudes toward the
human body which God created and called "very good".
Strongholds don't just vanish without resistance or putting
up a fight. Therefore I request continuing prayer from
Christians who believe in and support the purpose and mission
of this site. Pray that people will be open and
responsive to the message of this site, pray for my support
and ability to continue this site, and pray for my direction
and wisdom when responding to people who contact me through
the site, that God's freedom, truth, love, and grace will
minister to them through the site and any correspondence from
myself or others associated with the site. And pray for those
who contact me through the site expressing needs and concerns.
If you would commit to praying for this site, it's
ministry, myself and others associated with the site on a
regular basis please Click Here. and
type "Add me to your Prayer Team" in the subject line. I
will add you to a special list that will receive notices of
need for prayer, as well as praise reports.
Nate Dekan Founder -