Children, and Abuse
Society reaps what it sows
in the way it nurtures its children. . . . Through this
chain of events, violence and abuse pass from generation
to generation as well as from one society to the next.
Our stark conclusion is that we see the need to do much
more to ensure that child abuse does not happen in the
first place, because once these key brain alterations
occur, there may be no going
-- Martin H. Teicher, "Scars That Won't Heal:
The neurobiology of child abuse," Scientific American,
2002 |
The sexual abuse of children is a horrendous problem it
is estimated that 27 percent of girls and 16 percent of boys
in the U.S. are sexually abused.(1.) due
to how well child abuse remains hidden (because of shame) I
believe those figures are low. “Sexual abuse destroys
peoples lives, “Sexual abuse survivors are at higher risk for
mental health and social functioning problems resulting from
feelings of powerlessness, guilt, shame, stigmatization and
low self-esteem.”(2.)
Obviously finding a solution to child
abuse is and must be a top priority. Unfortunately I
believe that the attitudes about the body and sex in this
culture contribute to increasing the problem, not decreasing
it. Due to attitudes expressed about the body and sexuality by
parents and other adults, children are often too fearful of it
getting worse if they tell, so they usually keep
silent. I know that's why I didn't tell anyone as a
child. I hope to show in this article a positive way to
help decrease child sexual abuse as well as help increase
children’s self-esteem. Many people believe that the
more children are shamed, the more vulnerable they are to
sexual abuse, the less likely the are to report it if it does
happen, and the more damaging the effects of it are. As
someone who was abused and grew up in a very shame based
family, I am one of those people.
Shaming Children
Children are not naturally ashamed of their bodies, they
are taught shame. How? When children see that certain parts of
the body are always covered, they are being taught shame. When
children escape their clothes (especially at home) and are
punished and/or told that it's wrong, bad, or even indecent to
be naked, they are being taught shame. When they are
told that a penis is a “wee wee”, or a vagina is “down there”,
they are being taught shame. When certain questions make
parents uncomfortable, children are being taught shame.
When children play with dolls that don’t have genitals, or
read books about how wonderful the human body is: that don’t
show genitals, they are being taught shame. This is a
few of many ways children are taught body shame.
Sadly, they fall prey to this conditioning all too
soon. Many children as young as five or six have been
taught so much body shame that they won’t even change clothes
openly in same-sex locker rooms, instead they change under
towels or in a toilet stall. According to clinical
psychologist Marilyn J. Sorensen, Ph.D. "Unlike guilt—which is
the feeling of doing something wrong—shame is the feeling of
being something wrong. When a person experiences shame, they
feel 'there is something basically wrong with me.’”(3) When children are taught that parts
of their bodies are indecent and must
always be covered they will feel that there is
something wrong with them.
According to the book “Sex and Morality”: “Following
masturbation, the earliest taboo and sexual moral messages
that we learn are about nudity–revealing the genitals. These
norms and sexual attitudes seem to effect many people in their
adult years. Sex therapists, psychologists and others in the
helping professions frequently encounter patients or clients
whose problems stem from the shame and discomfort they
experience about their own bodies and about how their sex
organs appear to others.” “We cant help but believe that such
repeated messages about how the body must always be covered,
even in front of parents and siblings, helps to create a
negative body self-image and, consequently, lowered
Hopefully young children can be sheltered from the worst of
human behavior, but to try and shelter them from something as
basic to all of humanity as parts of our bodies, invites
trouble. Especially since interest in the human body is
natural and instinctive. If a child is made to feel ashamed of
their own and other people’s bodies they will still be
interested in the human body, but they may now feel that there
is something wrong with them because of this interest.
When children don’t have the opportunity to fulfill this
interest openly with their parents full knowledge and guidance
they are almost guaranteed to do it secretly.
Results of Shaming
Fulfilling this basic interest secretly obviously includes
things like playing "doctor" but it also usually leads to
pornography. Most children have very easy access to
pornography (especially on the Internet). In addition to the
Internet 70 percent of all pornographic magazines end up in
the hands of minors. Born again Christian and former
Playboy model Susie Krabacher cringes at the idea that
maturing boys often get their first full glimpse of the female
body from pornography. "How can the girls they know compete
with that?" she asks. "They can't. Nobody can. Even the women
in the magazines can't compete with themselves in perfect pose
and perfect lighting and perfect touch-ups. Boys who view
these magazines not only develop a sense that women are there
merely to satisfy them, but their expectations of what a girl
should look like is skewed. In a perfect world, young people
would learn about sex from their parents and experience it
first with their spouses."(5)
But its not a perfect world, most kids
learn shame from their parents and our society, not healthy
attitudes about the body or sex. Most kids get their
natural interest perverted first by shame, then by
pornography. As Susie Krabacher indicated, the problem with
pornography isn't as much what it shows, but HOW it shows it.
Since pornography is also the most accessible way to see the
naked human body in this (U. S.) society, it also reinforces
the association of nudity with sex only. I believe that
this association is destructive because sexual attraction
shouldn't be just about the body. When nudity is taboo
outside of sex, I believe sexual attraction becomes far more
focused on the body and diminishes other important aspects of
a potential mate.
Violence and murder are far more common in most homes (via
TV, movies, and video/games) in this society than simple
nakedness! I heard recently that one father asked
another father, how he could take his eleven year old son to a
very violent and demonic horror movie. The other father
replied "Don't worry, I covered his eyes for the nude
scenes" This is insane, do we really want murder,
violence, horror, and demonic images to be seen more, and thus
be viewed as more acceptable than parts of the human
body?!! What kind of messages are we sending our
children when we make casual nudity taboo and shameful while
images if extreme violence and horror are common. In the
book “Shame: The Exposed Self” noted child psychologist
Michael Lewis links the violence in our society to an
out-of-control shame and rage spiral.(6) When we live in a society that is
more tolerant of image after image of violence than it is
certain body parts doesn't it seem likely that there may be a
link between violence and shame?
A Positive Alternative
Is there an alternative? Can you help eliminate body shame
in your children, help protect them from abuse, decrease their
interest in porn, help raise their self-esteem, and give them
healthy, positive, godly views of their bodies and sex?
Although not widely accepted in the U.S., many families and
societies where non-sexual nudity is more common have proven
that it is indeed possible. “When parents talk to and affirm
the value of their children, young people are more likely to
develop positive, healthy attitudes about themselves. This is
also true when the subject is sex. Research shows that
positive communication between parents and their children can
help young people establish individual values and make healthy
But wait! Isn’t nudity harmful for children?
Isn’t that what the “experts” say? Sadly yes, some
“experts" such as Dear Abby, Dr. Spock, and others speak out
against family nudity without any empirical evidence to back
them up, just a dysfunctional, outdated Freudian theory.
Many people take what they say as fact, because they are
supposed to be experts. Yet, when research is actually done,
it contradicts their dire warnings.
A look at cultures and families, which do NOT restrict
nudity, to sex alone shows these “experts” warnings to be
dangerously wrong. Cultures that are accepting of nudity
are so free of sexual neuroses that one wonders how different
Freud’s theories would have been had his background and
culture been different. Many primitive naked cultures have no
concept of things like rape or child abuse; maybe we could
learn something from such “primitives”. Restricting
nudity to sex usually results in more sexual immorality,
addiction, and abuse NOT less!
Religious Beliefs
Other warnings stem from false religious beliefs.
Sadly, many strongly held religious beliefs are in
contradiction with scripture and God’s love, this is a good
example. Christian scripture says: "God saw all that he
had made, and it was very good." (Gen 1:31), "I praise
you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works
are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:14),
"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be
rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,” (1 Tim. 4:4)
and much more that speaks to the goodness of God’s
creation. In addition it says: Woe to those who call
evil good and good evil. (Isaiah 5:20), "Woe to
him who quarrels with his Maker" (Isaiah 45:9) and “To
those that are pure, all things are pure, but to those who are
full of sin and do not believe, nothing is pure. Both
their minds and their consciences have been ruined.” (Titus
1:15). Jesus clearly said: that evil thoughts such as
sexual immorality come from inside the human heart, not from
outside sources such as what someone sees (see Mark Chapter 7)
Yet, most Christians are taught that ANY nudity is sinful even
when their scripture does not say that. Unfortunately
such beliefs are very powerful, and hard to overcome, even
when they are wrong, harmful, AND unscriptural.
It’s a Matter of Context
While hammers can be used to break and destroy things, they
are usually used more positively for building and
construction. Nudity and sex are no different; it
depends on the context (how they are used) as to whether they
are positive and constructive, or unhealthy and
destructive. In some cultures nudity is so commonly
associated with swimming, sunbathing, relaxation, recreation,
sports, and everyday life that people normally associate it
with a great many things other then sex. (As is the case with
many families in this culture as well.) This seems to be a far
healthier context for nudity, as these cultures often also
have lower percentages of sexual problems including sexual
abuse, rape, and teen pregnancy.(7)
I wish I could say that children who are brought up to be
comfortable with nudity and sexuality are never abused, but
from everything I’ve read, heard, and seen, what I can say is
that when sexual abuse does happen to such a child, the abuse
is usually discovered quickly (sometimes immediately) and the
harm is minimal compared to children who are taught
shame. I can say with even more certainty that for
children who are taught shame the harm of sexual abuse can be
compounded many times by that shame.
A Positive Concept
Research conducted at the University of Northern Iowa found
that nudist children had body self-concepts that were
significantly more positive than those of non-nudist children
and that the "nudity classification" of a family was one of
the most significant factors associated with positive body
self-concept. Furthermore, nudist children showed a
significantly higher acceptance of their bodies a whole,
rather than feeling ashamed of certain parts.(8)
A positive body/self-concept is extremely important in
helping to make children more resistant to sexual abuse as
well as just feeling good about themselves. In a school
“Body Safety” program a thirty-year police veteran said that
child molesters have found that parents have taught their
children that their bodies and sex are shameful and not to be
talked about. Children are taught this to such a degree
that they are usually too embarrassed to tell anyone about
being abused so most molesters don’t have to threaten the
children to keep quite. This detective emphasizes that
the extreme body-shame most people have and teach their
children is the biggest factor in allowing child molestation
to continue to go unreported.(9) I
will add that this shame also makes children more vulnerable
to abuse because they have interest in the body that has not
been satisfied in healthy and positive ways.
The following shows that comfort with nudity can be
beneficial even to those who have been abused. "This
study examined the effect of a presentation about the holistic
nature of body image and self-esteem, as held by those who
practice social nudism, on the self-concept of abused women. A
total of 126 subjects completed a two-part, pre-post survey to
assess their body image, self-esteem, and overall
self-concept. They were also given a series of questions
designed to identify women with a history of conjugal abuse.
There were four groups. Two groups were control groups
separated as abused and non-abused women. The other two were
experimental groups, also separated as abused and non-abused
women. The experimental groups had significantly improved body
image, self-esteem, and overall self-concept. This indicates
that education about the unified nature of body image and
self-esteem can be efficacious as a treatment alternative for
body image, self-esteem, or overall self-concept.
Implications and further research possibilities are
The book " The Naked Child, Growing Up Without Shame," by
Dennis Craig Smith and psychologist Dr. William Sparks was the
result of a five-year study on social nudity and it's effect
on children. It concludes with the following:
"This book and the five-year study it represents looked at
the families who found a way to overcome the fear of exposing
themselves, both physically and intellectually, to each other.
We asked questions which today's society faces, and we sought
answers among those who have personally reached solutions to
our social dichotomy. The authors questioned many nudist boys,
girls, men, and women in search of the secret that made them
comfortable in circumstances that upset so many of us. What we
learned was that viewing the unclothed human body, far from
being destructive to the psyche, seems to be either benign and
totally harmless, or to actually provide positive benefits to
those individuals involved."
"We look forward to seeing more research that will delve
deeper into this discovery which, to say the least, is in
opposition to all that the popular 'experts', unconcerned with
facts, continue to tell us."(11)
What Are You
Open communication is essential to protect children from
abuse. Here is a partial list from the Advocates for Youth web
site(2) of what families need to do to
raise sexually healthy children…
Help children feel good about their entire body.
Caregivers should name all body parts accurately and convey
that the body and its functions are natural and healthy.
Touch and comfort children often to help them understand
love and how it can be shared.
Meeting children’s needs also helps them develop trust.
Help children begin to understand the difference between
public and private behaviors and that certain behaviors,
such as picking one's nose or touching one's genitals, are
private ones.
Teach about anatomical differences between males and
females while maintaining that boys and girls are equally
Teach children that they can say no to unwanted touch,
regardless of who is attempting to touch them, and that they have a right to be
respected when they say no.
Describe bodily processes, such as pregnancy and birth,
age appropriate terms.
Avoid shame and guilt about body parts and functions.
Encourage children to come to them or other trusted
adults for information about sexuality. © 2001, Advocates for
Youth Comfort with nudity can be a
vital aspect of that protection. What comfort with nudity does
is communicate that every part of human body is good, decent,
and acceptable. What shame regarding nudity communicates is
that the body is bad, indecent, and not to be talked about.
Body shame can also lead to obsession: making children even
more interested in those hidden body parts and causing them to
seek out information to satisfy their interest in secret and
unhealthy ways. That is human nature.
I believe that one of the best things that could happen to
protect women and children from sexual asult/abuse is to have
physical education/swimming programs that are required, co-ed
and nude from pre-school through university. This would
allow individuals to satisfy their interest in nudity in a
non-sexual, controlled, and healthy atmosphere. But that
is not likely to happen any time soon.
In the book “Real Solutions for Abuse Proofing Your Child”
Christian child psychologist Dr. Grace Ketterman talks about
the great delight parents have when babies discover their
ears, toes, hands etc. then she says “But what happens when
baby discovers his or her genitalia? I’ve seen parents
slap a baby’s hands for exploring this area of the body.
This tells the child, “This part of you is bad. Don’t
touch. Deny that you have sexual parts.” This
increases the possibility that your toddler will grow to
explore his penis (or her clitoris) secretly and perhaps
excessively or will try to repress normal, healthy
sexuality. Such children may be vulnerable to “exploring
parties” with more overt kids. Almost always they will
be afraid to ask or talk about sexual matters with their
forbidding parents.”(12) Such children
are also likely to be far more vulnerable to sexual abuse AND
not tell their parents about it.
Secret or Open, Which is
Childhood exploration of bodies in secret (because of
forbidding parental attitudes) is very common. These
secret activities can leave a child feeling dirty, guilty,
shamed, and strongly associating nudity (their and others
bodies) with those feelings. This is the one area where
I strongly disagree with Dr. Ketterman in her otherwise
exceptional book. When a mother came to her with concern
about discovering her daughter and a neighbor boy playing
naked, while she was glad the mother refrained from scolding
the children, she said she should have a talk with them. In
this talk the mother should explain that she understands why
the children are curious, but that sometimes curiosity can get
us in trouble. That “some things are supposed to be
private, including the body parts we cover, so even if a
person asks if they can see those body parts, tell them no,
and don’t let them show theirs, either.”(12) Yet, many other psychologists argue that
the implicit message conveyed by a lack of nudity in the home
is that the body is basically unacceptable or shameful – an
attitude which may carry over into body shame and discomfort
in adulthood.(13)
A very important message of Dr. Ketterman’s book is to not
shame your children or communicate that any part of their body
is bad, yet here she directly contradicts that by telling a
mother to tell children that simple curiosity about their
bodies can get them into trouble! It would have been far
better to tell the mother that this is a great opportunity to
tell the children how wonderful their bodies are. She
could have also told the mother that it was unfortunate that
she had to “discover” the children playing like this. It would
be better to encourage the children to play naked where she
can freely observe their play. This would reinforce with
the children that their bodies are good and acceptable, and
help prevent such play from becoming “secretive” or getting
out of hand with inappropriate touching.
Most children who are allowed this kind
of open, unashamed play have very little, if any, need to do
this play secretly and usually spend very little time touching
each others genitals. Remember, young children’s
interest in the body is not yet directed by sexual hormones
and they often find other things much more interesting.
However, when nudity is explored secretly by kids the focus of
their attention is often on the genitals simply because this
is what they must always cover so, it is what they want to
know about.
Dr Ketterman did tell this mother that had she scolded or
shamed the children, she could have dumped needless guilt on
them with far-reaching damage. I agree with this, but
feel that is what is exactly what would be done if the mother
followed her advice! I absolutely agree with Dr.
Ketterman that if a person (apart from a doctor) “asks” a
child to see/touch his/her genitals that the child should say
no and tell their parents about it. That’s my point, if
nudity is open, NOT secret, someone asking to see or touch
them in secret should set off internal alarms in the
child. If someone wants this normal thing to be kept
secret, they will likely feel there is something strange and
wrong about it that mom and dad need to know about. However,
when such openness is not allowed, children are more likely to
be curious themselves and thus more vulnerable to those who
seek to abuse them. THIS is how curiosity can get kids into
trouble; by not having it satisfied in open, controlled, and
healthy ways!!!
Kids Pick Up On How Parents
If you want your child to come to you if someone does abuse
them and/or you want to reduce the damage caused by abuse (if
they are abused) your being comfortable with sexuality and
nudity is of vital importance. As Dr. Ketterman rightly says
if you in any way slam the door to communication about sex
with your children you need an attitude adjustment. If
you act horrified, ashamed, and embarrassed regarding a
child’s curiosity about the body, your child will NOT feel
comfortable talking with you about these issues. If a
child has no confident with these issues when young they may
have sexual problems as an adult.(12)
Children of "primitive"
tribes, surrounded by nudity of all forms, suffer no ill
effects. Neither do children who grow up in other
societies that are more open about nudity than our
own. Presumptions that exposure to nudity will
lead to problems for children grow out of the
preconceptions of our
K. Bacher: 205 Arguments and Observations in
Support of Naturism, N Magazine, Oshkosh, WI, Vol
16.1 |
Paul Ableman writes: "It is interesting to speculate as
to what kind of model of the human mind Sigmund Freud would
have constructed if he had based it not on clothed Europeans
but on, say, a study of the naked Nuer of the Sudan. Almost
all the processes which he discerns as formative for the adult
mind would have been lacking. Freud assumes that children will
not normally see each other naked and that, if they do happen
to, the result will be traumatic. This is not true of naked
cultures. . . Thus great provinces of Freud's
mind-empire would simply be missing. There would be no Oedipus
complex (or not much, anyway), no penis envy or castration
complex, probably no clear-cut phases of sexual development.
We are emerging rapidly from the era of Freudian gospel . . .
and can now perceive the extent to which he himself was the
victim of prevailing ideas and prejudices."(14)
In “Deceived by Shame Desired by God” Christian therapist
Cynthia Spell Humbert says: “Sexual abuse brings up a
wealth of different emotions. Many clients have
explained that – to their dismay –they experienced physical
pleasure. Feeling terror and pleasure at the same time
makes for an especially intense confusion, which often causes
the victim to feel shame and self-blame. God created our
bodies to enjoy sexual arousal. Arousal is normal.
The abuse of these feelings makes victims feel that their own
body betrayed them.”(15)
As someone from a shame based
background, I believe that it is absolutely essential for
Parent’s to create an atmosphere of openness and
comfortableness about sex and the body so that if their
children are ever sexually abused, they are more likely to
tell their parents. Comfort with nudity can be an
important part of this. At least
that seems to be the experience of those who have grown up in
families, which are open, accepting of, and comfortable with
nudity. Most any play with water or messy things
allows great opportunities for playing nude. It also
makes much more since, as skin dries much faster and is far
more comfortable than wet, cold, clingy clothing (such as
bathing suits) and skin is also much easier to clean than
clothes with most messy things like finger paints, dirt, or
the makings of cookies or cakes.
Nudity is already far too sexualized in the media, children
need something to offset that and show that nudity is not just
about sex. They need to see that
nudity is good for many things, like swimming, playing,
sports, working, sleeping, watching TV, and much
more. With a good example of comfort set most
children (and adults for that matter) quickly become
comfortable with being nude themselves. Remember, the
context is important, for nudity to be beneficial for children
(especially in the context of the culture we live in) it must
not be sexualized.
I believe that body-shame in addition
to shutting off communication, can cause as much, or more,
fear, guilt, pain, and scarring as abuse itself. My hope
is that you will work to prevent and/or decrease the harmful
effects of sexual child abuse by making sexuality and nudity
separate and comfortable for your family and teaching your
children that the human body is created by God and as such is
good, pure, decent, and acceptable. The best way is by
example, the best time is now. What is planted in our
lives is what we will harvest, what attitudes about the body
and sex do you want planted in your children's lives?
As a Person Thinks
The mind acts on its most dominant thought. If a person is
taught that nudity is shameful, sexual indecent, impure, and
obscene then that is how they will react to it. If a person is
taught other ways of looking at and thinking about nudity
(such as making it common for swimming, relaxing, play,
sports, etc.) they will respond to it in those positive,
healthy, non-shaming, ways. Making nudity taboo and
thereby defaulting it to shame, sex and pornography causes a
great deal of harm to individuals and society! It
contributes to lower self-esteem and causes people to treat
parts of themselves as indecent and shameful. Only
immoral actions or thoughts, how the body is abused and
demonized, should be viewed as shameful, not the body
Hopefully someday this society will see the danger of body
shame and reject it. In such a society, casual everyday
nudity would be common on TV, at local health and fitness
clubs, swimming pools, athletic events, school physical
education programs, and around peoples homes (without the need
for privacy fences). But that day is not today. A step
toward that day can begin in your home by making nudity a
common, accepted, healthy, everyday thing with your
family. However, that alone is not likely to be enough
to provide the best value in combating the strong nudity =
shame and nudity = sex messages so rampant in our culture. To
more effectively combat these messages children (and adults)
often need a larger frame of reference than nudity only around
family. In families where nudity is kept private and the rule
is that everyone stays dressed when any friends are over the
children are far more likely to feel that there really must be
something wrong with being nude (since it is being kept hidden
from everyone else). Most
children raised in this way seem to soon develop the same body
shame as all their friends.
Beyond Family
When non-sexual, shame-free, nudity is common outside the
family as well children are in a much better position to see
all of the body, and nakedness, as something normal, good, and
acceptable. This insulates them better against the
shame-based messages they get about the body from society, and
better equips them to develop healthy and wholesome attitudes
toward the body. Telling your children that you believe
and want to teach them by example that the whole body is good,
but that it has to be kept in the family because most people
disagree and wouldn't understand may help a bit, but not
much. It may also surprise you if you are more open
about your attitudes about nudity around others, how many do
agree, they just don't talk about it. Children raised in
families who are open about nudity around others, WHILE
respecting the fact that others may uncomfortable with it seem
to be the least affected by body shame. Being open about
your attitude towards nudity around others shows your children
that you really believe what you tell them about the body
being good, kids pick up on that. As with other things,
when you keep you beliefs hidden, they pick up on that too.
Respecting the fact that others are uncomfortable with
nudity, means letting others know of your family’s comfort
with nudity BEFORE they come to your house. If they are
offended by nudity, they can decide not to come or you can
decide that you and your family will stay dressed while these
guests are visiting (to respect their belief) the important
thing is that your children know that this guest knows you
believe nudity is good, and that you are staying dressed to
respect this persons (or their parents) beliefs, NOT because
you're hiding yours. In the case of anyone under the age
of 18 it's extremely
important to let parents know first, before their kid's come
over. Many parent's realize that other families have
different lifestyles. When parents with different
lifestyles are upfront and respectful enough to let other
parents know about it before their children visit, most
parents will have no problems with their children
A father shares this:
We have had dozens of kids visit with our
children to swim naked in our pool and to play naked in our
back yard and go to nude beach's without any problems.
1. We have studied nudity/naturism and its benefits; and,
we can answer any question a parent might have in an
authoritative and logical manner.
2. For those who are concerned on Biblical grounds, we
can show Scripturally that it is not in any way contrary to
3. We are totally open about our nudity. We do not
keep "our lifestyle" secret— which would breed mistrust.
4. We are fastidious about not allowing anything sexual
or erotic to have any place in our practice of naturism.
5. We always ensure parents know that they may drop in
unannounced at anytime, while their child is with us, to see
what is going on.
6. Our confidence in the value of nudity for children is
strong enough that it gives children's parents confidence
that their kid(s) will benefit and not be harmed. (We
actually had one neighbor who had boys a little older than
our children ask us if their boys could come over to
skinny-dip so they could experience it even though they were
too old to really be friends with our kids.)
7. We always talk personally with the parents and answer
any questions they may have.
Over the years, we've had dozens of boys and girls
accompany us in nude activities. Not once have we had
any problem with misunderstanding or accusations.
(Kids whose parents would NOT let them go with our kids
sometimes made accusations; but the children who did go
naked were so adamant that nothing untoward ever took place
that nothing ever came of them. It was totally obvious
that the non-nude kids had no grounds on which to make their
- Paul M. Bowman, BC - CAN Click
Here for Paul's site on the need for social,
psychological, scientific studies regarding nudity.
In one of his points Paul said: "We do not keep 'our
lifestyle' secret” If parents find out that their kids where
exposed to nudity and they had no prior knowledge of it there
can be major problems. Since nudity
is not a part of some families life, and many people
automatically associate nudity only with sex, that is
understandable. The respectful and wise thing to
do is talk to other parents and get their permission before
their kids visit your house. Hopefully this article can
help answer questions other parents may have, that is one
reason it was written. It can be a tool to help you be
more open in a respectful way when you share it with other
parents to help explain how your family feels about
nudity. There are several other articles on the site that could also be helpful, especially
from a Christian perspective.
It's also good to let other parents know that you have some
guidelines about nudity that are strongly enforced. Here
are some ideas for guidelines that we hope will help.
1. Every person under the age of 18 who wants to
come to our home must first have direct permission from
their parents. Before they can visit we must first
talk with their parents to explain that nudity is common in
our home and why.
2. Everyone was born with the perfect swimsuit,
skin. No other swimsuits or clothing is allowed in the
pool or spa. Nudity is completely optional elsewhere,
except that since many people don't have healthy attitudes
about nudity, no nudity is allowed where it could seen from
the street or other houses.
3. Participation is completely private. If a child
wants to tell others that they went nude and it's all right
with the child's parents, that's fine. In order to
respect others privacy, they may not, however tell anyone
about any other people they may have seen nude. It's
up to each individual if, who, and when they tell others
about their nudity.
4. Unless children from the same family first come with
their parents, there is only one newcomer at a time.
Those going nude around others for the first time will
easily become more comfortable quicker when the only other
people around already feel that being nude is the best way
to swim, play, work, and relax.
5. Nothing sexual, No showing off, calling attention to,
or teasing others about any body related
stuff. For a printer friendly letter/consent
form, which can be given to parents for both them and their
children to sign, Click
Here. You can also copy and customize it to fit your
Away From Home
Family oriented nudist clubs and nude
beaches can be great places for people to become more
comfortable with nudity and see that it can be normal, good,
and wholesome, instead of bad and indecent. I
feel that most clubs are too far away from where people live
to be part of their everyday life, but they can be great for
some weekends and vacations. Sadly, I also feel that
while there are some good family oriented nudist clubs, the
standards at many clubs have lowered in the last few
years. I recommend parents checking out a club or beach
completely to ensure that child friendly standards and
atmosphere are being maintained before taking children.
If child friendly standards and atmosphere are being
maintained a nudist club can be a wonderful place for
kids. If there is not a good club close to your area,
visiting nudist clubs while traveling can be a good
option. Most clubs in the U.S. are AANR (American
Association for Nude Recreation) affiliated visiting their web
site at can help you locate any close to you or your
travels. Joining AANR directly or through a local club
will help your family get into other clubs in the U.S.,
Canada, and Europe.
I wish I could say there was some place children could be
completely safe from sexual abuse, unfortunately I
cannot. We are striving to make Natura one of the safest
places there is for children. However, children have
been abused at school, at church, at playgrounds, in scouts,
in sports, and yes at nudist clubs too. A child can be
abused anywhere and unfortunately it happens most often at
home. But again the difference seems to be that when
children who have been abused are comfortable with nudity, the
child usually tells someone about it quickly and is not as
deeply harmed by it as a child who is taught shame. Many
parents are very enthused about the benefits of nudist clubs
for children here is a very small sampling of this from the
book; The Naked Child, Growing Up Without Shame… (11)
A mother in FL said: “My daughter is two years
old and the only child on our block who is not ‘ashamed’ or
curious about another’s body. Hers is a wholesome
attitude toward her own body and others.”
Parents in CA said: Our son was caught looking at some
pornography, we spoke of our concern about this to a family
counselor and he said: ‘You're making a mountain out of a
mole-hill. Every young boy has normal sex interest and
the very fact that he is trying to get information this way
shows that, as parents, you haven't provided him with
sufficient information. Now, if you were members of a
nudist park this sort of prurient interest wouldn't even
exist!’ We were astounded by this disclosure, but
decided that if a man of his standing could recommend such
an activity, we could visit at least once. We had
never imagined how natural it could feel; we were over any
embarrassment in about five minutes, and it completely
resolved our boys problem. The capital 'S' was taken
off sex, and it became an important part of life, but not
the most important.”
Again from CA: “Before we went to the (nudist) camp our
daughter made social judgments solely on popularity and
physical appeal. Out there she learned to judge people
by their personalities, and other human qualities. In
time she may have learned that in mainstream society, but
the club has a good place for her to gain an education about
And a Father and Minister from TX: “Nudism offers an
environment, as nothing else does, which is free from morbid
curiosity, and one in which children can grow and mature
with a healthy attitude toward body differences and
functions.” From an idealistic perspective,
nudist clubs should not be “necessary” to promote a legacy of
healthy body acceptance; but, until society becomes accepting
of casual, everyday nudity they can be necessary and helpful
for children. Most young kids usually take to social
nudity instantly, and with great delight. On a first
visit to a nudist club young kids are often undressed before
mom and dad have even started!
Removing Barriers
At home, beach, or club, social nudity helps people feel
more comfortable with and accept their bodies regardless of
age. Most nudists find being naked with others very freeing—it
seems to release a lot of stress and pressure. Could this be
because clothes create a social barrier and that people, at
some level, have a need to be and interact with others free of
this artificial barrier? Nudity removes the barrier and
permits people to see what others really look like, forbidding
nudity denies it. Going nude removes the false masks, facades,
and images we create with our clothes and leaves us with only
what God created.
Social nudity allows us to relate with whole people, rather
than the images their clothes create (such as rich, poor,
doctor, police, priest, waitress, blue collar, white collar,
etc.) Being nude is also more comfortable; it is functionally
superior for many activities. Once you have been swimming or
soaked in a hot spa without a swimsuit you will never want to
wear one again! Most importantly social nudity frees
people from body shame. Social nudity gives people a chance to
develop a healthier, more wholesome, simple acceptance of the
human body.
It doesn’t matter how many times you read this or other
articles; like anything else, you won't become comfortable
with social nudity, or benefit from it, until you do it. Your
children can’t benefit from it until they experience it
either! Actions speak louder than words. Think about it.
Imagine telling yourself, and your children, that all parts of
the body are pure, wholesome, and acceptable, while never
changing your actions to reflect that positive sentiment you
would still always lock or close the bathroom and bedroom
doors when washing or changing. You would still wear
dysfunctional, articles of clothing for activities such as
swimming. If so, you and your children would never
experience nudity in a wholesome, positive, non-sexual context
so the only way left to experience or see nudity would still
be in a sexual context. Wouldn't the messages you
projected for your children to see still equate nudity only
with shame, sex and pornography? So wouldn't your and
their response to seeing nakedness stay pretty much the
same? Doesn't your family need the experience of
shame-free, non-sexual social nudity to help counteract the
nudity=shame and nudity=sex messages of the world?
Theory is good but there's nothing like experience.
Help change you and your family's concept of nudity from
unhealthy, negative, and narrow (shame, sex & pornography
only) to healthy, positive, and broad (at the beach or pool,
swimming, sunning, relaxing, playing, sports, working out,
sleeping, house and yard work, camping, walking, hiking, etc.,
etc.). If you have taught your children shame, this is an
opportunity to admit that you're human and you were
wrong. Talk with them and tell them that after research
you have discovered that body shame can by very harmful and
although you will not force it, you will encourage them to
reject shame and be comfortable with nudity. Start
setting the example by getting comfortable with nudity
yourself; hopefully you can also find a good nudist club like
Natura(16) in your area and go as a
family. If enough families take this
approach I believe that future generations will suffer far
less from body shame and sexual abuse.
Nate Dekan
Founder -
If this article has been helpful to you and your family,
please share it with others. It could help them as well.
Authors Note: I am not
(yet at least) a sociologist or psychologist, I am someone
that was abused by neighbors and grew up in a very shame based
home. Those who oppose nudity because they believe it harms
children are absolutely right to be concerned about children,
but over and over again reality shows that it is body shame
that harms children (and adults). Rather than being
harmful, I believe that non-sexual
nudity can be absolutely essential in helping protect children
from abuse. Unfortunately it is a very controversial
subject and very little research has been done on
that can be done to find the best way to protect children from
sexual abuse needs to be done! EVEN IF it means
controversy by challenging strongly held preconceptions in
researching the effects that non-sexual nudity has on
children. A few small studies have been done, but much
more is needed. Large studies and research is badly
needed on this topic that can stand up the the most rigorous
critique. I urge any one in the research community
reading this who cares about children to pursue this much
needed research.
To help
professionals conducting such research or any one interested
in founding it get in contact with one another Paul M. Bowman
is working to help facilitate such connections.
You may
contact Paul by email at: [email protected]
Or by postal
mail at: Paul M. Bowman P. O. Box
1978 Ferndale, WA 98248 (USA)
click here
for more information or to contact him via his
1. Source: The National Resource Center on
Child Sexual Abuse, "Fact Sheet on Child Sexual Abuse,"
Huntsville: NRCCSA, 1994
2. Source:
3. Source: Shame: The Quintessential Emotion:
Holly VanScoy, Ph.D., Psych Central
- Feb 2001
4. Source: Sex and Morality: Dr. Ruth
Westheimer and Dr. Louis Lieberman, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Publishers, Orlando, FL, 1988
5. Source: Life After Playboy: Bob Liparulo,
Christian Reader. September/October 2002, Vol. 40, No. 5, Page
6. Source: Shame: The Exposed Self: Michael
Lewis, The Free Press - Simon and Schuster, 1995
7. Source
8. Source: Factors Associated With More
Positive Body Self-Concepts in Preschool Children: Marilyn D.
Story, Journal of Social Psychology – June 1979
9. Source: Fig Leaf Forum, Winnipeg MB,
CANADA for full text of letter from a father about this
“Body Safety” program Click Here.
10. Source: Dissertation Abstracts
International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering Vol
59(9-B), Mar 1999, 5104. Standard No: ISSN: 0419-4217 Abstract
from a dissertation on treatment for body image and
self-esteem with abused women, by Richard Eugene Pearl Sr. at
Tennessee State University
11. Source: The Naked Child, Growing Up
Without Shame: Dennis Craig Smith with Dr. William Sparks,
Elysium Growth Press, Los Angeles, CA – 1986
12. Source: Real Solutions for Abuse Proofing
Your Child: Dr. Grace Ketterman, Vine Books, Ann Arbor, MI -
13. Source: Richard A. Gardner: Exposing
Children to Parental Nudity, Medical Aspects of Human
Sexuality, June 1975
14. Source: The Anatomy of Nakedness: Paul
Ableman, Elysium Growth Press, Los Angeles, CA –
15. Source: Deceived by Shame Desired by God:
Cynthia Spell Humbert, Navpress, Colorado Springs, CO,
16. One note of caution: Please find out as
much as you can about a club before taking children.
While many like Natura, are very family oriented, many clubs
in the U.S. have very few children or any activities for
them. In places with few other children for playmates
your kids could easily become bored. ALSO,
unfortunately not all so called “nudist” clubs (sadly even
AANR affiliated ones) restrict nudity from being openly
sexualized. Thus not all are fit for families or in my
opinion to call themselves “nudist”.
Copyright © 2002 Nate
This article may be freely copied and distributed
unaltered. We recognize that many of these articles are long
and computer screens are harder on peoples eyes than the
printed page, also that it is often easier to effectively
share a printed article than a web address, so you are most
welcome to print this for your use, and to share.
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